Day 01: How old were you when you first discovered digimon?
Day 02: Favorite character.
Day 03: Which digivice do you like best?
Day 04: Favorite digital monster.
Day 05: Favorite crest.
Day 06: A couple you wish existed.
Day 07: A coupling you can`t stand.
Day 08: Favorite couple.
Day 09: Favorite frendship.
Day 10: Favorite season.
Day 11: Who do you think wore the goggles best?
Day 12: Least favorite digital monster.
Day 13: Least faforite character.
Day 14: Least favorite season.
Day 15: A character you`d be best frends with.
Day 16: A character you would not get along with.
Day 17: Best dressed character.
Day 18: Worst dressed charecter.
Day 19: A moment that made you happy.
Day 20: A moment that made you sad.
Day 21: A moment that made you angry.
Day 22: Favorite villain.
Day 23: Lease favorite villain.
Day 24: Favorite minor character.
Day 25: Favorite episode.
Day 26: What crest would you have?
Day 27: Would you ever have a digimon for a pet?
Day 28: English names vs Japanese names (Which do you prefer more?)
Day 29: Favorite quote.
Day 30: An unpopular opinion.
Все в комментах будет. Как и всегда.
Day 02: Favorite character.
Day 03: Which digivice do you like best?
Day 04: Favorite digital monster.
Day 05: Favorite crest.
Day 06: A couple you wish existed.
Day 07: A coupling you can`t stand.
Day 08: Favorite couple.
Day 09: Favorite frendship.
Day 10: Favorite season.
Day 11: Who do you think wore the goggles best?
Day 12: Least favorite digital monster.
Day 13: Least faforite character.
Day 14: Least favorite season.
Day 15: A character you`d be best frends with.
Day 16: A character you would not get along with.
Day 17: Best dressed character.
Day 18: Worst dressed charecter.
Day 19: A moment that made you happy.
Day 20: A moment that made you sad.
Day 21: A moment that made you angry.
Day 22: Favorite villain.
Day 23: Lease favorite villain.
Day 24: Favorite minor character.
Day 25: Favorite episode.
Day 26: What crest would you have?
Day 27: Would you ever have a digimon for a pet?
Day 28: English names vs Japanese names (Which do you prefer more?)
Day 29: Favorite quote.
Day 30: An unpopular opinion.
Все в комментах будет. Как и всегда.